Wednesday 19 December 2012

Introducing industry insider - Catherine Coe

We're delighted that Catherine Coe has agreed to deliver a session at Writing for Children Under 12 - The Inside Story.

Catherine Coe is a freelance children’s book editor with over eleven years’ experience, and formerly senior commissioning editor at Orchard Books (Hachette Children’s Books). Catherine has commissioned and edited a wide range of highly successful children’s fiction, 5+ to YA, from Beast Quest and Rainbow Magic to The World of Norm and Gallagher Girls – and she’s worked with top authors including David Almond, Vivian French and Chris d’Lacey.

Catherine is based in London and now runs her own own Consultancy, Edit Write Create.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

An event for writers for children - published and unpublished

Saturday 26th January 2013
10am - 5pm
The Dovecot Studios, 10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh  EH1 1LT
cost £75 including lunch

The children's book market is lively and vibrant - but highly competitive and exacting. Publishers and Literary Agents receive hundreds of unsolicited manuscripts every month. Of those, only a few will get as far as a publisher's Acquisitions Meeting, let alone a bookshop.

It is no secret that finding a publisher is tough, so it is vital that writers are well informed if they are to break into this fascinating, crowded industry.

The Association of Scottish Literary Agents is delighted to have enticed top editors Catherine Coe and Louise Bolongaro away from their respective desks. Both of them have worked on a wide range of best-selling books and they will share their views on what editors are looking for from children's writers today.

Plotting, point of view, readership, character arc, structure, consistency, pacing, language, page turns, beginnings and endings, settings, perspectives, genres - a writer's best and most original ideas are nothing without a firm grip on the mechanics of writing.

 Participants will also have the chance to talk to Kathryn Ross, Lucy Juckes and Lindsey Fraser about the Literary Agent's role in the professional lives of their clients.

All those attending will be invited to make a submission for assessment by the Literary Agents.

To book, please copy and paste the form below into a Word document, complete it and send it with your payment to the address at the foot of the form.